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1980 version

Thomas O'Malley Louis Neefs (speaking & singing)

Duchess Wieteke van Dort (speaking & singing)

Berlioz Michiel Geelen (speaking & singing)

Toulouse Sander van der Zijl (speaking & singing)

Marie Barbro Gulikers (speaking & singing)

Edgar Luc Lutz

Madame Bonfamille Emmy Lopes Diaz 

George Sacco van der Made (speaking & singing)

Roquefort Arnold Gelderman

Frou-Frou Maya Bouma

Napoleon Joan Remmelts

Lafayette Joost Prinsen

Jazz Cat Willem Duyn (speaking & singing)

Abigail Tonny Huurdeman

Amelia Maya Bouma

Uncle Waldo Harrie Geelen


Director Harrie Geelen

Translation Harrie Geelen

Sound Ad Roest & Hans Hulshof

Production Otto Krooshof & Wim Pel

Studio Cinecentrum - Hilversum

Aristocats 1980 Dutch Cast.png

2008 version

Thomas O'Malley Günther Neefs (speaking & singing)

Duchess Maaike van Widdershoven (speaking & singing)

Berlioz Wiet de Bruijn (speaking & singing)

Toulouse Xavier Werner (speaking & singing)

Marie Lydia Verhoef (speaking & singing)

Edgar Sander de Heer

Madame Bonfamille Diana Dobbelman

George Fred Meijer (speaking & singing)

Roquefort Ewout Eggink

Frou-Frou Hilde de Mildt

Napoleon Wim van Rooij

Lafayette Jan Anne Drenth

Jazz Cat Pim Koopman (speaking & singing)

Abigail Hetty Heyting

Amelia Brigitte Nijman

Uncle Waldo Jan Elbertse


Director Hilde de Mildt & David Verbeeck

Translation Hans Dasselaar 

Production Marieke Rovers & Sabela Olavide

Technics Jurre Ording

Studio Sun Studio

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* The premiere of this movie was set on Christmas day 1980. A day after that Louis Neefs and his wife died in a car crash :( he was 43 years old. 

* Günther Neefs is Louis' son and he did the role his father did in the 2008 version.

Songs 1980/2008

"The Aristocats" (The Aristocats)

*Maurice Chevalier

"Poot voor Poot voor Kattenpoot" (Scales & Arpeggios)

*Wieteke van Dort & Barbo Gulikers (1980), Maaike van Widdershoven & Lydia Verhoef (2008)

"De Kat met de Grote K" (Thomas O'Malley)

*Louie Neefs (1980) & Gunther Neefs (2008)

"Niemand Swingt Zoals Een Echte Kat" (Everybody Wants To Be a Cat)

*Louie Neefs, Willem Duyn & Wieteke van Dort (1980), Gunther Neefs, Pim Koopman & Maaike van Widdershoven (2008)

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